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‘Risk Averse’ Rheumatologists Report Declining JAK Use, Increased Reliance on Abatacept

The safety signals for cardiovascular events and malignancy associated with Janus kinase inhibitors in rheumatoid arthritis have led to rheumatologists increasingly reaching for abatacept instead, according to data. The market analysis firm Spherix Global Insights surveyed 102 rheumatologists through the first quarter of 2022 and found that rheumatologists are increasingly opting for abatacept (Orencia, Bristol […]

Bristol Myers Squibb’s Aging Orencia Finds New Life with Rheumatologists as They Shun Newer JAK Drugs from Pfizer, AbbVie: Report

Bristol Myers Squibb is the surprise winner in an emerging rheumatoid arthritis (RA) market dynamic as doctors eschew new JAK inhibitors amid safety concerns. That’s the analysis of a new first-quarter 2022 report by Spherix, which surveyed 102 U.S. rheumatologists on their recent prescribing habits. The survey found a “potential paradigm shift” away from JAK […]

New Spherix Research Suggests Rheumatologists Are Gravitating Towards BMS’ Orencia for the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis as JAK Inhibitor Use Declines

Potential paradigm shifts in the post-TNF and later-line setting leave ample opportunity for alternate mechanism agents EXTON, Pa., April 6, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — The US rheumatoid arthritis (RA) biologic and small molecule market has remained relatively stagnant over the past few years, with little change in prescribing habits and a lack of new commercial developments. However, […]

Implications of Expanded Biosimilar Use in the United States’ Dermatology, Gastroenterology, Rheumatology, Ophthalmology, Nephrology, and Neurology Markets Highlighted in New Spherix Study

450 US specialists provided feedback on their use and perceptions of biosimilar agents and their impact on the total treatment landscape EXTON, Pa., December 8, 2021 /PRNewswire/ – Biosimilars are biopharmaceutical products that are nearly identical copies of drugs that have previously been licensed (reference products), with no clinically meaningful efficacy and safety differences from […]

Novel Agents in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (AstraZeneca’s anifrolumab) and Lupus Nephritis (Aurinia Pharmaceutical’s voclosporin and GSK’s belimumab) Introduce Paradigm Shifts

New launch tracking reports and patient audit data show early excitement and ample opportunity for the latest approvals as well as several pipeline agents (including Eli Lilly’s baricitinib in SLE and Roche-Genentech’s obinutuzumab in LN) garnering high interest among rheumatologists and nephrologists November 4, 2021, EXTON, PA – After nearly a decade of stagnant innovation […]

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients With and without Renal Involvement: A Real World Analysis Showing Demographics, Clinical and Treatment Differences Across More Than 1,000 Patients

Authors: Maxine Yarnall, Tucker Hurtado, Vibeke Strand   BACKGROUND and AIMS: present significant challenges in management. This study was to evaluate moderate to severely active SLE patients and determine overlapping characteristics and significant differences among this cohort of SLE patients with and without renal involvement. METHODS: 1,010 SLE patient records were collected in collaboration with […]

Evolving Mechanism of Action Preference for the Treatment of Psoriatic Arthritis in the US and EU5

Authors: Maxine Yarnall   BACKGROUND and AIMS: Treatment for psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is largely accounted for by TNFs and their respective biosimilars. However, the introduction of alternate MOAs (AMOAs) has resulted in shifting preferences, with many rheumatologists expecting a greater role for new agents, albeit this dynamic varies by country. METHODS: An independent market analytics […]

Comparison of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Recently Switched to JAK Inhibitor Therapy in the US and EU5: Comorbidity and Switch Pattern Analysis from Patient Chart Audit

Authors: Maxine Yarnall, Chrystal Ferguson   BACKGROUND and AIMS: As use of Januse Kinase Inhibitor (JAKi) therapies in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have increased, so has awareness of cardiovascular (CV) and malignancy safety concerns associated with the class. This study’s goal is to compare gender, comorbidities and JAKi use in RA patients switched to JAKi therapies […]

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