Virtual Care Marketing for Life Sciences

Shorten the path to prescription. Increase RX lIft and gain new writers.

Convert media audience into patients.

Connect consumers to a virtual medical consult with Populus’ telehealth marketplace. Companies that use Populus solutions to increase prescription lift saw an average of



Deliver targeted patient advertising and educational content in virtual care consultations.

New virtual care advertising saw a 6% increas in new prescriptions and a 25% increase ir total prescription growth

Reach consumers before they become patients.

Target consumers who are actively engage in seeking professional advice on a specific condition, treatment, or medication. Advertising opoortunities within physician moderated asynchronous Q&A sessions.

Engage with HCPs directly from their telehealth workflow.

Gain access to healthcare virtualists from a wide spectrum of specialties with 100% targeting before and after consultation.

Shorten the past to prescription by delivering targeted deterministic clinical messaging at scale within the virtual care ecosystem.