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Relypsa’s Veltassa Dodges the Competition Bullet as FDA Hands AstraZeneca a Second Complete Response Letter for Hyperkalemia Agent, ZS-9

Sure! Below is a simple implementation of a Tic Tac Toe game in JavaScript using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: ```html Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe

``` Copy and paste this code into an HTML file, and you'll have a simple Tic Tac Toe game that you can play in your web browser. The game tracks the state of the board, checks for a winner after each move, and switches between 'X' and 'O' for each player's turn. When a player wins, an alert will display the winning player, and the game will stop accepting moves until the page is refreshed. Please note that this is a basic implementation to get you started. There's plenty of room for improvement, like adding more UI/UX enhancements, implementing a reset button, or creating a more advanced AI opponent.
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Spherix is excited to announce our expansion into an additional, rapidly evolving specialty market:


Throughout 2024, we will be publishing over
10 groundbreaking studies covering a wide range of indications within classical hematology.