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Rheumatologists Plan to Increase their Use of Pfizer’s Xeljanz, Janssen’s Simponi and Roche’s Actemra in the Next Month

Over 40% of current Xeljanz users expect to increase use, with many rheumatologists initiating the agent prior to biologics, according to Spherix Global Insights, GmbH September 1, 2015 – Zug, Switzerland – Feedback gathered from 101 rheumatologists in August reveals that while anti-TNF inhibitors remain entrenched in most practices, use of Xeljanz, Actemra and Simponi […]

Nephrologists Perceive the Anemia Effects of Keryx’s Auryxia to be Favorable, but Market Penetration at Six Months Post Launch is Low

Download Familiarity with Auryxia is the primary barrier to adoption and growth, according to Spherix Global Insights, GmbH  August 20, 2015 – Zug, Switzerland –RealTime Dynamix: Nephrology reveals that while Keryx contact rates for Auryxia are in line with those of competitors, familiarity with the product remains low. Market access also appears to be a […]

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