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In Multiple Myeloma, Janssen’s Darzalex Posted Significant Gains Over the Past Six Months, but May Face an Increasingly Restrictive Payer Environment

According to a new report from Spherix Global Insights, provider reimbursement anxiety and escalating out-of-pocket costs, as patients live longer and use these therapies for even more extended periods of time, are primary issues that could become barriers to increased use of Darzalex, although future projections still look strong. Download Report Overview Exton, PA. October […]

Uptake of Biogen’s Tecfidera and Increased Availability of Merck KGaA’s Mavenclad Fueling Significant Increase in Oral Disease-Modifying Therapy Share of Multiple Sclerosis Patients in Europe to the Detriment of Teva’s Copaxone

Lack of access to Roche’s Ocrevus for primary progressive multiple sclerosis has stymied UK prescriber base growth and adoption over the past six months as much of Ocrevus’ early adoption in other EU countries came from first-line use among primary progressive multiple sclerosis patients due to the high unmet need and the agent’s first-to-market indication, […]

More Rheumatologists are Using Pfizer’s Xeljanz in Psoriatic Arthritis Patients, Outpacing the Impressive Growth Displayed by Eli Lilly’s Taltz in the Previous Quarter

Download Report Overview EXTON, Pa., Oct. 8, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — The most recent quarterly results of a study conducted by Spherix Global Insights with 100 US rheumatologists reveals that Xeljanz’s user base has increased by a greater margin than the user base for Taltz for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) over the last three […]

Analysis of Over 1,000 Atopic Dermatitis Patients Highlights Moderate-to-Severe Patient Candidacy for Biologics and Small Molecules and Real-World Treatment Patterns for Patients Treated With Sanofi/Regeneron’s Dupixent

Candidacy analysis for pipeline agents reveals that JAK inhibitors, such as Pfizer’s PF-0496582, AbbVie’s upadacitinib and Incyte’s topical ruxolitinib have the most potential upside if approved Download Report Overview EXTON, Pa., September 27, 2018 ( – To better understand what real-world moderate and severe atopic dermatitis patients look like in terms of disease burden, physician […]

Genentech’s Ocrevus Positioning as an Appropriate First-Line Option in Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Appears to Be Resonating With a Subset of U.S. Neurologists

Unaided awareness of EMD Serono’s Mavenclad (cladribine tablets) and Novartis’ siponimod increased compared to previous quarters, but neurologists appear split on how, or if, they will incorporate the newest agents into their multiple sclerosis armamentarium, according to a new report from Spherix Global Insights Download Report Overview EXTON, PA, September 19, 2018 ( – A […]

Latest Biologic Launch in Psoriasis, UCB’s Cimzia, Having a Tough Time Getting Traction, But Developing a Presence in Dermatology May Lay Foundation for Bimekizumab in the Future

Janssen’s Tremfya continues to post gains, but may soon face competition as Sun Dermatology readies for the launch of Ilumya (tildrakizumab), the second IL-23 inhibitor to be introduced in the U.S. market, according to a new report from Spherix Global Insights Download Report Overview EXTON, Pa., September 14, 2018 ( – In the latest quarterly […]

Ankylosing Spondylitis Market Largely Dominated by TNF-Inhibitors, Though Novartis’ Cosentyx Enjoyed Significant Year Over Year Gains and a Growing Percent of Rheumatologists Report Off-Label Use of Pfizer’s Xeljanz

With no current FDA approved biologics for the treatment of non-radiographic axial spondyloarthropathy, overall penetration of biologics/JAKs is significantly lower than for ankylosing spondylitis; however, when these agents are prescribed, brand usage closely mirrors the ankylosing spondylitis indication, according to a new publication by Spherix Global Insights Download Report Overview EXTON, Pa., September 6, 2018 […]

Ocrevus Predicted to Be a Billion-dollar Blockbuster

From: Multiple Sclerosis News Today By: Ed Tobias The research firm Spherix Global Insights, which analyzes trends in the pharmaceutical industry, predicts that Ocrevus is “poised to blow past the $1B mark in the coming year. …” (read more).

Pfizer’s Xeljanz Begins to Shift the Treatment Paradigm in Ulcerative Colitis (UC) With Early Launch Metrics Largely Favorable for the Brand

The majority of patients started on Xeljanz have failed multiple biologics, but some gastroenterologists see the brand securing a role in the pre-biologic space in the near future, according to the latest quarterly report from Spherix Global Insights Download Report Overview EXTON, Pa., August 23, 2018 ( – Based on the latest Spherix Global Insights […]

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