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Evolving Diagnosis and Treatment of Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis in the United States

Authors: Robert T. Naismith, MD; Jennifer Robinson; Virginia R. Schobel, MSc OBJECTIVE: Evaluate how US Neurologists are diagnosing secondary progressive (SP) multiple sclerosis (MS) over time. Determine how treatment choices for SPMS are evolving. BACKGROUND: In 2019, the FDA changed the prescribing information to include active SPMS for siponimod, in addition to natalizumab, ocrelizumab, cladribine, […]

Multiple Sclerosis Disease-Modifying Therapy: Recent Switch Patterns Among United States Neurologists

Authors: Patricia K. Coyle, MD; Jennifer Robinson; Virginia R. Schobel. MSc OBJECTIVE: To examine multiple sclerosis (MS) disease-modifying therapy (DMT) switch patterns by US Neurologists over the last 4 years. BACKGROUND: Cross-sectional patient-level data was collected once-yearly. It was then reviewed by an independent market intelligence agency which specializes in tracking the MS market, including […]

Impact of US Physicians’ Perceptions of the Distinct Pharmacological and Clinical Characteristics of the Novel Anti-Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Monoclonal Antibodies on Self-Reported Chronic Migraine Prevention Brand Share

Authors: Virginia R. Schobel, MSc; Jennifer Robinson MSc BACKGROUND: Therapeutic choice for the prevention of episodic and chronic migraine increased with the recent approvals of anti-calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapies, specifically erenumab-aooe, fremanezumab-vfrm, and galcanezumab-gnlm. We aim to assess how, with limited time on the market, physicians’ perceptions of these agents’ pharmacological […]

Early Prescribing Patterns of the Anti-Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide Monoclonal Antibodies Are Dominated by Adjunctive Use for Episodic and Chronic Migraine Prevention: Trending the First Year of US Adoption

Authors: Virginia R. Schobel, MSc; Jennifer Robinson MSc BACKGROUND: Compare early launch perceptions and self-reported prescribing patterns for the anti-calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) monoclonal antibody (mAb) class, specifically erenumab-aooe (available since May 2018), fremanezumab-vfrm (September 2018), galcanezumab-gnlm, (October 2018), for the preventive treatment of episodic and chronic migraine. Assess how anti-CGRP mAb class uptake impacts […]

Influence of Gender and Age in Use of Ocrelizumab for PPMS Patients Among US Neurologists

Authors: Robert T. Naismith; Patricia K. Coyle; Shiv Saidha; Jennifer Robinson; Virginia R. Schobel OBJECTIVE: To evaluate current use of ocrelizumab in primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) patients. We hypothesized that ocrelizumab would be predominantly used in younger, male patients. BACKGROUND: In the phase 3 ORATORIO PPMS trial of ocrelizumab versus placebo, there was no […]

Identifying SPMS: Are U.S. Neurologists Aligned on the Most Influential Disease and Patient Metrics?

Authors: Robert T. Naismith; Patricia K. Coyle; Shiv Saidha; Jennifer Robinson; Virginia R. Schobel OBJECTIVE: To identify disease and patient characteristics used to diagnose secondary progressive (SPMS). We hypothesized that evidence of progression independent of relapse activity (PIRA) would be the most relied upon factor, along with other markers of neurodegeneration/progression. BACKGROUND: SPMS is a […]

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