Enterprise Virtual Patient Acquisition Platform

Unique targeted messaging opportunities other channels don’t provide.

and scalable

Use existing
media assets

Rx lift

new writers

Populus connects a highly targeted condition specific audience (consumer or HCP) directly to your brand, attracting new patients and driving awareness. Our exclusive telehealth marketplace provides access to HCPs who may not regularly prescribe your brand.

Activiate existing media compaigns to shorten the path to therapy

Drive engagement further down the funnel.

Help consumers transition from awareness to action by bringing them directly into a conversation with their physician at the right time.
Amplify your brand message with a highly targeted condition-specific captive audience at scale. Engage patients with clinical messaging pre and post telehealth conversations with physicians.

Brand messaging to patients within the virtual clinic experience

Reach patients directly during inquiry with HCP

Target patients when searching about their condition. Take advantage of opportunities within asynchronous Q&A sessions available on Populus media partner sites to target patients based on questions asked.
HCP Reach connects brands to physicians directly from their virtual workspace.

Clinical messaging in the HCP' digital workflow

Shorten the past to prescription by delivering targeted deterministic clinical messaging at scale within the virtual care ecosystem.